Every day it seems that different events, retailers, and even people conspire against your ability to keep your spending on target, turning budgeting into a sport for which you must play the offensive position. But all hope isn’t lost; there are many ways you can keep your expenses on track and your bank balances in the green. Among all of the tricks out there, the purchase of insurance is one of the most deceptively simple and often overlooked.
Insurance Can Prevent Additional Expense
During a car accident, if your vehicle suffers any damage you'll likely need to get it fixed. In fact, you may not be able to go to work without doing so or renting a car in the interim. A
Colorado auto insurance policy may not only provide payment for repairs in excess of the deductible, but it can also provide a loss of use benefit that pays for a rental during a certain period.
Likewise, a home insurance policy can pay to have the contents of your home replaced when they are damaged during an insurable incident and may pay for a hotel room or other temporary lodging.
Without insurance, both these events would quickly devastate your budget and could make it next to impossible to get back on track for the near future.
Level Premiums and Deductibles
It would be almost possible to accurately predict the amount that you need to pay for car repairs caused by accidents and then to budget for those expenses. Additionally, it would be impossible to predict all the other property you might lose over the course of a year and the cost to replace it. Insurance policies offer affordable premiums and deductibles that you can easily plan and budget for in advance.
Whether you're completing a midyear budget checkup or getting ready to start your 2013 budget planning, it’s time to allow insurance policies their place in your financial plan as a budget guarantee. Give us a call at Premier Group Insurance today and we can help you review your current insurance portfolio, identify any gaps in coverage and help you set out on the right foot for the future.