Cyber Risk Insurance and Social Media
While it might not be your company's policy to obtain customer data through social media channels, that doesn't mean it can't be done. Should your social media accounts on websites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Google Plus get hacked by someone who wants to obtain sensitive data, they could send out messages to your clients. Hiding behind the trusted name and avatar of your account, they can request passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers and other data. Trusting that it’s you behind the request, many of your clients will provide the requested data never realizing the risks they’ve just taken on.
This is a form of theft that can be covered with cyber risk insurance. Once you find out that your account has been hacked, you must contact your clients to let them know their data might have been compromised. This process doesn’t just bring embarrassment and extra hassle, it also brings added costs. Cyber risk insurance will help you cover those costs while saving you money without forcing you to sacrifice service.
Liability Insurance and Social Media
Cyber theft risks aren't the only ones your business faces when using social media to spread its message. If you or the employee or contractor responsible for managing your social media should mention a competitor or one of their products in a negative way, you may be accused of libel or slander that causes financial damages to the company in question. Your liability insurance may cover the damages if you are, but you should check with your insurance agent to make sure.
In order to help reduce the possibility of risks in social media, make sure that your company has relevant guidelines and that all employees are trained on using them. Keep your social media marketing message positive, and notify your clients and followers frequently that you will never ask to obtain personal data from them via social media. And don't forget to give us a call at Premier Group Insurance to find out how Colorado Business Insurance can insure your company against the many risks that social media marketing presents.